Kino MacGregor is an international yoga teacher, author of three books, producer of six Ashtanga Yoga DVDs, writer, vlogger, world traveler, co-founder of [Miami Life Center] and founder of [Miami Yoga Magazine]. Kino’s dharma is to help people experience the limitless potential of the human spirit through the inner tradition of yoga. She is one of the few people in the world of yoga to embrace both the traditional teaching of India’s historic past and the popular contemporary social media channels. You can find her teaching all over the world and on [Kino Yoga Instagram] with over 400,000 followers and on [Kino Yoga YouTube channel] with over 30 million views. With more than 15 years of experience in Ashtanga Yoga, she is one of a select group of people to receive the Certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India and practice through the Fourth Series of Ashtanga Yoga. We were incredibly grateful to have her in Arkansas to share all of her knowledge and experience with us. Learn more about Kino at []

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Weekend Details

Location: 800 West Ninth Street, Little Rock, AR 72201
Saturday, May 21

Strength: Yes, You Can! 9:30AM-12PM

If you think you’ll never be able to lift up, or if you want to take your lifting up to a new level, this class if for you. This class integrates the elusive “bandha” and core work in a way that is accessible for everyone. By using natural and scientific principles, like gravity, weight distribution, and mind-body connection, you will gain a new understanding of the potential for natural strength in your body. You will leave this workshop with tools you can apply to reach a new level of strength, presence and awareness. All levels.

Fearless Backbends 2:30PM-5PM

If you enjoy a challenge but think you are too stiff to ever bend your back then this is the perfect class for you. By understanding how to work your body in a safe way you will learn what it takes to really bend over backwards with no fear. The secrets of deep backbends are available to you through the integration of sound anatomical principles, healthy alignment techniques and intensely fun stretches. The dynamic movement mechanics of bending your spine are the key to limitless flows of energy and in this class you will begin to explore you natural potential to for deep backbends with safety, support and enthusiasm.

Sunday, May 22

The Path of Least Resistance 9:00 AM-11:00 AM

Yoga is essentially the art of balance. In this workshop you will learn techniques that illustrate exactly how much effort you need to exert in order to see the results you want in your practice. If there is a posture or series of movements that have frustrated you for years, this is perfect place to change your perspective on them. Learn to do your practice with grace, effortlessness, lightness and ease. Whether you’re the proverbial over-achiever or the one who cannot find the extra-motivation to get your butt to class, this special seminar will challenge your notion of the work ethic equation. Master the dynamic between activation and release, work and effort and discover true grace.

Inversions, Handstanding & the Art of Balance 12PM-2:30PM

Turning yourself upside down challenges the body’s sense of spatial orientation, the limits of physical strength and the mind’s outer edges of fear. In this class you will learn to approach inversions with sound anatomical principles, an open mind, excitement and fun. You will experience first hand that it takes much more than brute strength to steady yourself on your hands. You will see how easy it really is to let yourself slide into postures, positions and inversions that you think are impossible with just the slightest change of perspective. Everything from shoulderstand to downward dog to handstand is part of the game.


Full Weekend Workshop, Early bird pricing: $225
Full Weekend Workshop, After March 21: $250
Individual sessions will be available after March 21 @ $65/session


Registration is on Eventbrite: []