Karl Straub high res

Karl Straub, a Little Rock native, who currently lives in Switzerland and travels the world teaching yoga will be teaching three Saturday Workshop Sessions in Little Rock, AR this June!

June 15
THAI YOGA MASSAGE JAM @ Soul Yoga Lounge part 2 2:30 – 5:00 great for friends and partners! Enjoy giving and receiving several techniques of traditional Thai massage, get expert guidance, and hands-on practice. Excellent cross-training experience for yogis and athletes. Many health benefits, and it just feels great. Bring a partner or friend so you can work together if possible. Individual registrants are also welcome, but we will need to pair you with a partner at the event.

June 29
YOGA ASSISTS @ Soul Yoga Lounge part 1 9:30 – 12:00 Karl helped edit the recent book Art of Assists, by David Life and Sharon Gannon of Jivamukti Yoga School in NYC. This intensive workshop is for teachers and yoga students who wish to deepen their understanding of asana through hands-on assists. The results will be that you will not only understand more about how to see and assist another person in their yoga practice, but also you will feel and relate deeper in the capacity and balance of your own body. During these sessions you will learn specific techniques to assist common asanas, both in static and vinyasa formats. A key feature is using intelligent modifications for various practitioner levels to find appropriate challenge without injury.
YOGA ASSISTS part 2 2:30 – 5:00 (part 1 is pre-requisite) …continuing the morning session, additional asana assists, plus a bonus session of pranayama (breath exercises), deep relaxation, restorative poses, and nada yoga (guided meditation with sound).

Register HERE: http://www.soulyogalounge.com/apps/mindbody/enrollments

Soul Yoga Lounge
1207 Rebsamen Park
Little Rock, Arkansas 72702
Phone (479) 754-3010
Email [email protected]
Website http://www.soulyogalounge.com